Daily Archives: October 5, 2014

Resting of Land in the Church Age

Resting of Land in the Church Age (Christ to Rapture)
Lloyd Dunlop
For those of us who are Bible readers and believers, God had given us a Landcare Program for the restoration of soil. But as we read further into it we find it is also a Drought prevention plan, a land succession plan, a National plan for blessing of communities and a foreign policy preventing defeat by enemies. It is also a plan with a second edge, a curse, for those who do not follow it. In the case of the Jews to whom the original was given, non compliance cost them Millions of lives at the hands of enemies, failed crops and exile on two occasions. They fulfilled its worst curse which involved the eating of their children in two sieges one by the Babylonians (606 – 599 BC) and the other by the Romans of Jerusalem in 50 AD. Continue reading Resting of Land in the Church Age

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Obligation Free Call

Dear Sheep, Cattle, Wool and Lamb Producers,

Would you like me to give you a plan to double your annual income free while restoring fertility in your soils? For cereal croppers I can offer a more secure income with similar or better incomes than grain using profitable high cash flow livestock enterprises suited to cropping soils.

I’m happy to help you design a customized production plan for your property, identify your best markets , while you increase the store of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in your soils. Your future wealth.
This will turn your business from a price taking enterprise towards a price making enterprise, with inbuilt security for the next generation.

I offer this service because I am a consultant specializing exclusively in helping Sheep and Lamb Producers secure more sales. I can also assist with your Bank Manager.

You can then join my other clients (representing 50,000 ewes). With strength in growing sheep numbers we are working towards a marketing goal of weekly delivery of lambs, within specs, on time at a negotiated price, free of contaminants and residues.

And if you find the plan I create for you valuable, you might want to become a client. If this is the case, my only fee is an annual retainer of $1/ewe with a minimum payment covering 2000 ewes. No commissions or hidden charges except possibly hospitality at your place.

But before we go further, you need to know that I can’t help everyone, I can only be of benefit to producers who are prepared to do things on time according to our agreed plan. People who..
• Are sufficiently funded to eliminate predators, buy genetics, feed sheep, control economically important diseases and rebuild infrastructure (in about that order), so it won’t happen overnight…but it will happen.
• Are sufficiently skilled in sheep husbandry or at least willing to learn. All the steps and procedures have been laid out for you.
• Have a minimum of 500 ewes.

Here’s what you do next: Schedule a no obligation planning session with me by simply filling in the form and clicking the link below.

You’ll see a form with a few questions about your business and what you’re looking to accomplish. Once I have that information, I’ll give you an obligation free phone call.

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Lloyd was an excellent sheep extension officer who I had the pleasure to manage while based at Toowoomba, DPI.

He worked independently but was also a good team player when needed. He excelled in providing advice to sheep producers interested in prime lamb production. He also provide local leadership at the Goondiwindi DPI office and in the district.

March 17, 2013, SANDRA managed Lloyd at Lloyd Dunlop Sheep and Lamb Consultant.
Goat only Veterinarian & owner at Goat Veterinary Consultancies- goatvetoz


From: Jeffbetts@bigpond.com
Sent: Monday, 20 May 2013 7:17 AM
To: Lloyd, Dunlop
Subject: dorper info

Hello LLoyd,

Results of our last scanning of 6000 ewes & sales…. All undetectable ewes have been sold.

2000 Ewe lambs joined at approximately 7 months of age; 70% scanned pregnant. The 30% undetectable were sold to meatworks as lambs, 2/3 dressed at 27.1 kg at 10 months & the second draft at 23.6 kg at 12 months.

The ewe hoggets (on their second conception) scanned 90% in lamb; 51% of those pregnant are carrying twins.

If we can regularly repeat this, I believe that dorpers have a big future.

Jeff Betts
Addendum: Jeff has achieved close to 200% lambings of scanned in lamb ewes for over 4 years now. That’s nearly 12000 lambs annually from twice joined 6000 White Dorper ewes.


From Facebook Meatmaster Sheep July 3 2014 at 2:19am

(Translated to english by Facebook) post by Boemie Saaiman

That’s 280% per year and not / not kidding. My ewes lamb every 6mnde and others 8mnde.

Yes, most of the sheep runs all year on the pastures with the sheep that extra supplement for milk production and get the lambs get creep out. No I seleteer not 2linge (twins) on the stage, but my lamb% per lambing season on my older ewe is 170% avg.

July 3 at 1:42am · Like · 1
Translation from Affrikaans by Justice Malanot Boemie Saaiman says: 1) the 280% is per annum en not per lambing season Lloyd Dunlop. 2) some of his ewes lamb every 6 months and others every 8 months.3) the ewes are on Alfalfa most of the year with some supplements for increased milk production. 4) the lambs also get supplemental feed. Boemie doesnt select for twins at this stage. Some of his older ewes drop down to 170% lambing average.

July 3 at 2:19am · Like
(Boemie’s flock are Meatmasters of which representatives bred by Denis Russell of Bordertown SA exist in Australia mostly in the keep of my Qld clients. As they have a lower metabolic rate than most Meat sheep they are well suited to semi arid areas on summer grasses. This testimonial suggests they are well suited to intensive forage production as well. Lloyd)

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